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Season 3 Week 3 Day 11: My Audible Town Square

It's Monday morning, dear friends!

Everything good? Are you ready for a new week?

We hope you had a relaxing weekend, maybe you went for a little walk through your city? Did you remember that we have an appointment? The easiest way to meet each other is right in the middle of the main square in our virtual town!

“...This masterpiece of city squares rest at the end of converging busy avenues, with period brick shoppes and tidy store fronts, swanky restaurants and courthouse patrons, drug stores, trinket parlors and hand lettered windows….”

(Randolph L. Wilson, Town Square Description)

We are simply in love with busy city squares, with a lively market on the village square or the vast and proud public space in front of historic buildings in large towns. And this is what is where we want to meet during this week! We want to catch the latest gossip, maybe have a game of chess with the elderly hat wearers who are puffing a cigar. We want to know the name of the architect of every building framing the square and we will drink from the fountain.

And most probably, we will also have to fight our way through the traffic circulating around our favourite square … We suggest that you first take a walk and listen to this week's podcast! We have a lot of interesting guests with us!

Are you ready to take us downtown? When you're alone and life is making you lonely /You can always go/ Downtown

Like always - since it's Monday - and Mondays are tough anyway - we go for an easy first sonic experiment to start the week!

We simply ask you to go and observe where the life in your city, in your town, in your metropolis or in your village is usually pulsating the most.


Simply stand still and let life flow beneath your presence … Listen. Listen closely…

What do you hear? When you are ready, simply record what is going on…

Please share your sound and an image / video with us:

  • Post a film / recording (around 1 minute in length) with an image on Instagram using the #soundingsquare #ambientradiogoessonohr #ambientradio #sonohr (like this, we find your work!) OR:

  • Upload your sounds on Google drive. Please give your track the following title: yourname_day11. Like this we find your work for the weekly remix! OR:

  • Alternatively, drop an audiofile into our Telegram chat!


And yes, of course, we are well aware that in those peculiar times we are living in, such places might as well be completely deserted…We also know that it is winter in some places and outdoor cafes do not happen at the moment. But as John Cage once said: “There is no such thing as silence. Something is always happening that makes a sound.”

We take it as it comes - step by step, day by day …

Now, it is time to bring us to the core of your city, your metropolis, your village!

Thank you for being with us also during week 3! Now, the countdown starts until we bring our audible spaces to the big stage of Sonohr festival: 7 days left!

Love and Kisses!

The Ambient Radio Crew

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