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Season 3 Week 3 Day 17: Last Day of the Festival Let’s collect Sounds of a Square one more time!

Dear Ears around the Universe!

How are you?

Today is the big day and the GRANDE FINALE of our third season of Ambient Radio goes Sonohr!

We enjoyed these days so much!

It is a moment to say thank you:

Alan, Bettina, Carina, Cheyenne, Christina, Claudio, Debbie, Gaby, Guido, Giuseppe, Ilona, Irene, Jan, Jürgen, Karin, Kristina, Leanne, Lucia, Lyudmila, Mario, Pernille, Pit, Rebecca, Regula, Riccardo, This, Virginio - you all contributed, shared, played, answered … All of you made this very special season happen! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

In these days, this project turned into something really special, a sign of hope and peace!

Now, at the final show, we will make our community’s park, our community’s waters and our community’s square sing!

In the next days, we will also send a final letter to all of you including all the links and materials as well as the recordings of the final performance.

On the festival website of Sonohr, you find links to follow what is happening today!

Before we leave you, we have one last moment to add some more square sounds to our collection. Let’s look back to week 3 again: Here is the podcast of week 3! Listen to what Carina Pesch and Ilona Marti tell us about their wonderful projects at Sonohr!

You can also re-read all the letters we wrote to you during week 3 on the blog of our website.

And finally, if you like to give field recording a try - its simple as a kiss:

Take your phone and walk over your favorite square. Instead of taking a picture with your camera, simply press “record” and listen for one minute.

What is there to hear?

Please share your sound and an image / video with us:

Alternatively, drop an audiofile into our Telegram chat!

Thank you a gazillion times! We enjoyed your company so much!

We might hear each other again in autumn / winter for the next season… So keep following us!

All the very best, dear Ears! We will miss you!

Love and Kisses,

the Ambient Radio Crew

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